(216) 316-1566 [email protected]

Warm Up/ PreHab: BFCF

1.) Power Snatch: 3r @ 70% / 1r x 3s @ 80%

2.) Power Clean + Push Jerk: 1r + 2r @ 70% / 1r + 1r x 3S @ 80%

3.) Clean & Jerk: 1r + 1r x 2s @ 80% / 1r + 1r x 3s @ 90%

Strict Press: Build to 80% and complete one set for MAX reps. Use equation from Monday to obtain estimated 1RM

Skill Development:
– 30 degree HS hold 3 x
– Chest to Ring Pull-Ups (under control) 3 x 5
– Arch to Hollow Rolls: 3 x 10

for time:
15 muscle Ups (sub Seated Banded Muscle Ups)
1 Clean @ 185/115
1 Clean @ 205/125
1 Clean @ 225/135
1 Clean @ 245/145
1 Clean @ 255/155
*If these weights are over-aggressive for you you. Pick numbers based off your 1RM and build in similar increments.

Accessory Work:
1.) DB Bench Press: 4 x 15
2.) DB Row: 4 x 12

5 min AD, then BFCF