(216) 316-1566 [email protected]


The Black Flag Athletics Blog is a ever-growing collection of our staff’s knowledge and wisdom.  One of our reasons for being that we get to educate all walks of life. Head below to get a sample of what our coaches are talking about and let us know what you think by leaving us a note in the blog post’s comment section. 


“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” -Robert Louis StevensonAs a young child, I was fortunate enough to spend substantial time with my grandparents from both sides of my family.  I was taught how to be a man from both of my...

How 3 Minutes A Day Changed My Life
How 3 Minutes A Day Changed My Life

The benefits of daily cold-water submersion, why you should do it and how to ease into it. The concept of freezing yourself for 3-5 minutes a day either in a cold shower or in a cold tub seems like lunacy, but after adopting the practice and making it part of my daily...

How To Live Longer, Stronger
How To Live Longer, Stronger

"Be an athlete!" - As you enter Black Flag Athletics in Cleveland, Ohio, you will have often hear me uttering these words to a group of men and women who we are training. Most of these people work regular 9-5 jobs, with families and the rigors and stress of life that...

The Key To Your Success In 2022
The Key To Your Success In 2022

Starting your day with a routine can help you live longer, better. I never noticed the value of routine and its impact on my life until I lost it. As I reflect on my younger days, I now realize that a daily routine and the discipline that structure provided was a...

HowTo Start Your Fitness Journey

Have you been thinking about starting a fitness routine, but you’re not sure where to start? It can be intimidating with all of the fads and diets you hear about daily. It doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective! Let’s get it started. There’s a number of...