(216) 316-1566 info@bfathletics.com


The Black Flag Athletics Blog is a ever-growing collection of our staff’s knowledge and wisdom.  One of our reasons for being that we get to educate all walks of life. Head below to get a sample of what our coaches are talking about and let us know what you think by leaving us a note in the blog post’s comment section. 

A Tribute to Mom: The Ultimate Fitness Coach
A Tribute to Mom: The Ultimate Fitness Coach

My mother, like many mothers, is the strongest person I know. Not only did she raise six children, all of whom played sports, she worked hard to raise us and somehow managed to stay actively involved. Not only by showing up but by finding ways to create initiatives to...

Building Longevity and Quality of Life Through Intentional Training
Building Longevity and Quality of Life Through Intentional Training

With over 25 years of experience designing workouts for people, programs, and teams, the one thing I have learned is that it is essential to always maintain focus on the objectives of your training. Understanding these training objectives is crucial when creating a...

Embracing Olympic Weightlifting for Enhanced Fitness
Embracing Olympic Weightlifting for Enhanced Fitness

In the realm of group fitness and professional training hubs worldwide, the discourse surrounding Olympic Lifts and their diverse iterations has been fervent among elite trainers. The debate over the efficacy and safety of movements like the snatch, clean, and jerk is...

Unleash Your Inner Athlete: The Essence of “Functional Fitness”
Unleash Your Inner Athlete: The Essence of “Functional Fitness”

At Black Flag Athletics in Avon, Ohio, the atmosphere resonates with the rallying cry of "Be an athlete!" This mantra isn't just for seasoned competitors; it's for everyday individuals navigating the demands of work, family, and life. Why do we emphasize this? Because...

Why Work Out? Cultivating Long-Term Fitness and Wellness
Why Work Out? Cultivating Long-Term Fitness and Wellness

Once a quarter at Black Flag Athletics, our coaches gather to delve into the intricacies of leadership, class management, coaching development, and communication strategies. These quarterly meetings serve as the cornerstone of our commitment to continuous improvement...

Returning To The Fundamentals: Strengthening The Basics
Returning To The Fundamentals: Strengthening The Basics

When many of us embarked on our fitness journeys, we were often still in grade school, where physical education classes introduced us to activities like kickball and dodgeball. Yet, amidst the fun and games, we were also exposed to fundamental human movement patterns:...