(216) 316-1566 [email protected]

1.) Power Clean: Work to 1RM for the day (no longer than 15 min and no more than 2 attempts at new max)

WOD 1:
2:00 AMRAP:
– Power Clean @225/135 (or 70% of 1RM)

1a.) Ring Push Ups + HS hold (facing wall): 4 x 10 + 20sec
1b.) LegLess Rope Climb or Towel Pull Ups + Russian Dips: 5 x 2(6) + 10

WOD 2:
For Time:
– 800m Run
– 50 Push Press @95/75
– 30 Push Ups
– 800m Run

-Reverse Hypers: 3 x 20