(216) 316-1566 [email protected]

BFA: Wednesday 7/27/16

PreClass: 1:00 Vibe Plate/ Roll Quads Warm Up: – Skip Series Dynamic Flex: – Lateral Lunge – Drop Lunge in Place – Knee Hug to Toe Touch Prep/ Activation: 2 Rounds – Barbell OH Hold 30 sec – Plank T x 10 – Lateral Step Up x 5E...

BFA: Tuesday 7/25/16

Hey Fam, in case you haven’t seen the news on Facebook or heard through a friend, we are now providing our WODs via a free app for your smart phone. Get the daily wod and track your PRs all in one place.  Download SugarWOD for your iPhone or Android and...

BFA: Monday 7/24/16

PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE FOR BLACK FLAG FOR THE BEST OF CLEVELAND 2016: http://cleveland.cityvoter.com/black-flag-athletics-home-of-black-flag-crossfit/biz/657432 Warm-Up: 2 Rounds – 100m Run + Lateral Hurdle Mobility Warm-Up 2: – 4 Direction monster walk...

BFA: Saturday 7/23/16

PreClass: Roll Quads/ Calf Warm-Up with Coach Coach Dynamic Flex With Coach Partner MetCon: 2 Person Teams 4 Rounds – 400m Run Together – 30 Hang Power Clean @ 115/75 – 20 Bar Facing Burpees *Partners will run every 400 together while holding a...

BFA: Friday 7/22/16

PreClass: Roll Calf/Lat Warm-up: – Single Unders 3 x 30sec on/30 sec off Dynamic Flex: – Lateral Lunge w/ Twist – Drop Lunge (in Place) – Russian March PreHab/Activatiton: 2 Rounds – Thoracic Rotations x 8 – Pushup to Downward Dog x...