(216) 316-1566 [email protected]

Last week of our strength cycle – next week we will commence our pre competition prep for the Ohio State Championships in September.

Warm Up/ Activation/ Mobility (x2)
1a.) 400 Meter Run ( only 1 round)
1b.) Sumo Squat to Stand
1c.)Knee Hug to Super Lunge
1d.) Inchworm + Russian March
1e.) Scap Elevation/ Depression

Explosive/ Technique:
1a.) Wtd. Squat Jump: 8 @ BW
6 @ 10%
4 @ 15%
4 @ 15%
2 @ 20%
Rest 60 Sec.
1b.) Snatch Grip Press (BN) + OHS: 5 x 2 + 1

1.) Snatch: 2r x 12s @85% every 90 sec.
2.) snatch Pull from 2″ Deficit: 2r x 6s @ 100%

Dynamic Effort:
1.) Front Squat: 2r @ 53% + 25LB Chains every 45 sec. x 10

1.) Bulgarian Split Squat: 3 x 8E
2a.) DB/BB Walking Good Mornings: 4 x 8E
2b.) BB Roll Out: 4 x 5